Sunday, May 30, 2021

Artemis Crankshaw


Somewhat matronly in her approach, Crankshaw has been the driving force behind the recent move to allow female membership. She is an old friend to Gregory Bluffstone, the head of the club’s board of trustees, and after years of badgering him, Crankshaw finally got Bluffstone to accede to her demands. Crankshaw handles all matters relating to female members from her position on the club’s board.

Joseph Sykes

No one remembers how long Sykes has been head butler at the Wentworth Club; it seems as if he has always been there. He manages all of the club’s staff, from the cooks to the doorman. Not much misses his attention and he is renowned for being a stickler for rules. Whilst outwardly he is respectful to all club members, he is against the recent inclusion of female membership.

With his thick, white hair, lined features and an imposing hooknose, he is the epitome of the British butler.

Islwyn Munden


(Pronounced ISS-loin)

Just when one is about to have a private conversation, conduct some important research in the library or simply looking to be alone, Munden will appear. He has an unnerving ability to turn-up whenever and wherever he is most unwanted; earwigging conversations, interjecting his opinions, and so on.

It doesn’t help that he has a nervous twitch, causing his eye to wink at inopportune times. Whilst mostly harmless, Munden occasionally gets it into his head that others most need his help.

He appears to be unable to understand other people’s need for discretion and is want to latch-on to someone and follow them around like a puppy waiting for treats.

The Wentworth Club

Situated in the heart of the City of London in Mayfair, the Wentworth Club can be found at 18A Clifford Street, W1S 3RF.

Named for the old medieval May Fair held outside the Westminster City walls, Mayfair was developed as a fashionable (and usually expensive) residential area during the 18th and 19th centuries by a few wealthy landlords – the largest landowner in the area during the 1920s was the Duke of Westminster. Although it does not have the tourist attractions of the West End, many wealthy, titled and important people live in the area and jealously guard their privacy.

A three-storey building, the premises are wholly given over to the club’s affairs. Beyond the imposing black wooden door are a range of rooms in which the members can find solace from the hectic hustle and bustle of London life.

Like most London clubs, the Wentworth appoints membership by application. The individual must present their credentials and have a letter of recommendation from another club member.

Whilst the application process is not as harsh or demanding as some clubs, the club’s board of trustees takes pride in only offering membership to those it feels who are “good eggs.”
Exactly what this means in reality is anyone’s guess, although a good background and an interest in the esoteric and occult is usually enough to persuade the board of an individual’s merit, that and a relatively healthy bank balance.

Unusually for what is considered a “gentleman’s club,” the Wentworth accepts membership from both men and women, having recently voted to allow women “of good standing” to join. Ladies are only permitted access to the ground floor and the library on the first floor. At certain times of the year, ladies are permitted to join their male colleagues in the dinning room for one of the many annual grand dinners. In addition, the ladies room on the ground floor is only available to female members – men are completely barred from entering.

The club is open to members between the hours of 6 am and 12 midnight, although later or earlier access may be granted if an application is made a day in advance. Trusted serving staff reside on site at all times and have been known to provide assistance at odd hours of the night to members who, for one reason or another, come to find themselves in difficulty. 

Although rare, expulsion from the club can happen should members cause to bring disrepute to themselves and/or the club. Where it can clearly be seen that a particular member is set upon a path of self-inspired destruction, such as facing financial woes or potentially indulging in criminal activities, the club’s board may nominate a trusted member (usually one of the “old fellows”) to have a quiet word with the person concerned in the hope that they can be led onto the “right” path.

Generally, club members share an interest in folklore, mythology, history and the occult. Most members are happy to indulge in their interests with a book and a good glass of port by their side, relaxed and waited upon by the serving staff. A few, however, prefer more active engagement in their studies and use the club as base for planning their excavations and explorations, whether they are journeying to Cumbria to take part in an archaeological dig or heading off into mysterious and exotic foreign jungles.

The ground floor consists of an entrance hallway leading variously to three large reception rooms, the ladies room, a cloakroom, a tearoom and the kitchens. The ground level rooms are available for members and guests of members to use (the upper floors being members only), whilst below ground can be found storage cellars and servant’s quarters. Private offices, lounges, as well as a large dining room and library make up the contents of the upper floors.

The décor is rich and luxurious, with high leather backed armchairs, purple flocked wallpaper, chandeliers and plush Persian rugs providing a genteel, is somewhat faded atmosphere. Servants attend to the members’ needs, supplying refreshments and meals upon request. The servants, led by Joseph Sykes, are discreet and loyal.

Notable Characters of the Wentworth Club:

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Gregory Bluffstone

Large and portly bearing, almost bald, with a very large moustache, as head of the board of trustees, Bluffstone administrates the club, although in practice this simply means he delegates nearly all of this to others, as he prefers to spend his day sleeping in one of the many comfy armchairs. When not resting, Bluffstone can usually be heard berating a younger member for bad etiquette or telling one of his many war stories.
Ultimately, Bluffstone has the final say regarding membership admissions and expulsions.


